semoga bahagia dunia akhirat

semoga bahagia dunia akhirat
~di bawah jalinan suci ikatan perkahwinan~
Iman bukan sekadar angan-angan, tetapi adalah sesuatu yang diyakini dalam hati dan dijelmakan dalam bentuk amal, dan sekiranya ajal itu dinampakkan kepada kamu pasti akan porak porandalah semua cita-cita.. pengalaman adalah cermin kegagalan dan penilaian terhadap segala kekurangan.. -Saidina Abu Bakar R.A.

Monday, November 9, 2009


assalamualaikum warahmatullah..

alhamdulillah, i have been going through 2 subjects for final examination paper which are :-
(1) Revelation as a Source of Knowledge
(2) Introduction to Linguistic

there are 3 more subjects of final exam that i have to face and strive for the excellence this week. After this insyaallah i will be free and my life become normal..Right now, we ( my friends & i) always with book anywhere we go..

The last 2 papers can be considered as easy, alhamdulillah... thanks a lot to our beloved lecturers, Mdm Norbani Ismail & Miss Maimunah...

I am quiet happy answering the Revelation as a Source of Knowledge examination paper, due to the fact that all the answer in the question is in the mind. Alhamdulillah, a feel very grateful to Allah because of his Mercy and the gifts of "fast & long term-memorizing" for this small creation. Alhamdulillah..despite of a limited time to study as i have to fulfill my responsibility as a wife to clean the husband's house, wash his dress, cook and so on, Allah give blessing from all of this...Alhamdulillah...

Last night, my husband accommpany me to study..when he is in front of my eyes, my spirit to study become harder and harder... i will never bored looking at his cute & handsome face..but it gives me miscellaneous inspiration and powerful attemption..that's why i love my husband so much..When i am reading the Linguistic book and using my pen to write something, he romantically feeding the dinner for me with his own hand...the moment is very romantic, calm, and full of happiness and enjoyment..

In this early morning, while i got to prepare myself to go to UIA, my husband reads the notes for me..even he did not have any idea about what the topic is all about, but he tried his hard to read it to me...i feel glad and great having a husband like Muhammad Husaini..

While in UIA, before entering the examination hall, i got a mobile message from my husband, in which he text me that he had already pray "solat hajat" for my success and smoothness during the answering final exam's questions..alhamdulillah...Allah makes it easy for me and for my love..

For mum & dad, i will give present for both of you with my success...
i love mum & dad & my family..
i love my husband & his family..

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